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Letter_MSDCI_Advocacy_LCME cut_Page_1.jpg
Image description: A two-and-a-half page letter featuring a formal layout.
An copy of the text may be found on MSDCI's public google drive:

DWD hashtag stories recruitment online poster.png
Image Description: an online recruitment "poster" in the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) colors--yellow and navy blue. The top line enjoins readers to "Join the Campain #DocsWithDisabilities." The poster includes a shortened link and a the…

DWD twitter 1.png
A Tweet from the Docs With Disabilities Twitter account (@DocsWith) that reads: Remember That Hashtags Are Significantly More Accessible for Those Who Use Screen Readers, Have Learning Disabilities, Experience Brain Fog and More When Every New Word…

Along with other advocacy materials such as books and podcasts, a few informative videos especially after the pandemic have been created to advocate for greater inclusion and more varied accessible and assessment options for medical students with…

Docs with Disabilities, along creating a network to increase the visibility of disabled doctors and building a community of disabled doctors where they can connect and support one another, it has also created a podcast hosted by Drs Lisa Meeks and…

Even though these two organizations do not exclusively cater to doctors with disabilities, they do have some messaging which talks about creating inclusive environments for disabled students and doctors

With the four focus areas of Research, Working Groups, Book Club and Consulting, Docs with Disabilities is a group which uses research, education, and sharing of stories to drive change in policy and procedure leading to more inclusive educational…

Formed in 1999, this non profit organization has been serving hard of hearing and deaf health care professionals and students through advocacy and mentorship. They are greatly invested in modified equipment for deaf and hard of hearing doctors such…

According to their website, The Society for Healthcare Professionals with Disabilities is a social enterprise that was developed to provide free resources and support for its members. The mission of the Society is to foster an online supportive…
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